Tap Into Your Innate Knowing

Uncover the Subtle Strength of your Intuition
Where Science meets Spirituality

The Path to Intuition
10 Senses – Level 1 Practitioner

Where science connects to your senses and spirituality

A 10-Week Hands-On Course

All-inclusive, with all course materials delivered directly to your door.

Course Structure

Learn how animals have a never-ending source of intuition and remain in
the present moment 24/7.

Weekly workshops March 2025 next start date

We will meet in a small group every week for ten weeks.

66 Engaging Daily Activities

Between our weekly workshops, you will receive an activity which will take about 20 minutes, every day.

These activities are specifically designed to support the deepening of your connection to that particular sense. The activities are a combination of biology and spiritual practices. Spirituality meaning: getting to know yourself at a deeper level.

Support group

You will have access to a dedicated and private What’s App group with all course participants, so that you may lean in for support and learn in community.

Hands-on practical

Wisdom from the Animal Kingdom

You deserve to have the feeling of inner peace

The feeling which is gentle, soft and yet curiously assured

A smile can arise from this feeling

It brings about quiet confidence

It guides you with a sense of inner knowing which might not be logical

But the feeling is unmistakable

You just know how you feel, you have certainty

You deserve to be able to call on this feeling at any time in all parts of your life

This feeling is intuition

An inner knowing. An innate, instinctive sense

Everything you need in one place

Course Materials

For the practical exercises, you will receive all you need for this 10-week immersive experience.

Your journal and workbook
Eye masks, essential oils, dousing rods, mala beads and crystals
Colouring pens, fabric and reading books
So you can focus on your journey and have fun without any fuss

From My Clients

Those who have connected into their 10-Senses

Your Journey Begins Here


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