Weekly Intentions: Embracing the Transition from Winter to Spring


We are 10 days away from the start of Spring.

The end of winter woo hoo!

It is time to shake off the shorter days and look forward to what we want for the year.

So how about we just start small and think about what we want for this week?

Here are a few nudges to help bring some intention to your week as we make the transition from Winter to Spring.


This time next week, what is one thing that you would like to have mastered/achieved?

How is your diary looking this week? Do you have time to do what you would like in my first question.

Is there something which you have been putting off, which if you did this week would be left feeling so much better?

How well will you take care of yourself this week? Let’s have a look at your diary… great intentions need time and space.

Flexibility for the unknown. Is your diary so rammed if something unexpected comes in you will go into overwhelm, or is there space for a little unplanned and unknown?

Support network, maybe put a note in your diary on one of the days to remind you of your support network and ask yourself, do I need to lean in for some love?

And how about next Sunday night, giving yourself a reminder to ask, how did this week go?

However you have planned your week to be, may it go well.

And if your weeks aren’t going so well, perhaps start with the question… in small baby steps, what do I need to do next?

One foot in front of the other, with intention, is how we get to the destination of our reality, which starts with a dream.

Let’s have that dream for the year and make it happen with intentional small steps.

With love

Tara x

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