Forest Bathing: How Nature Walks Can Transform Your Well-Being


21st March, 2024 International Day of Forests, they deserve their day of celebration. As someone who spends much time among the trees, I was thinking about how they impact me.

I walk in our local woods a lot and I end my walks more relaxed and less stressed than when I went in.

That somehow, on my walk, my mental health gets better. I often practice Shinrin-Yoku, the Japanese word for forest bathing.

One of my favourite things is to feel the leaves of the beech trees. You can really tell the tree’s age by the leaf’s thickness. Regardless of age, I love the silkiness of the beech tree leaf, it is exquisite, better than silk itself.

I have the woods to thank for my fitness. Especially in the summer when I can walk for longer, with the lighter nights.

And then there is just that feelings of awe, wonder, and interconnectedness with the natural world. That sense of belonging, on what is a beautiful planet.

Tuning in and feeling the energy of the wildlife… that for me is truly healing,

So, thank you trees, woods, and forests. You deserve every day to be your day and I appreciate you so much. But then you know that as you often get a hug!

Love Tara x

P.S. None of this applies if I get my phone out and scroll on my walk… this is a great reminder to stop that nonsense on the days I start!

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